Shop Early

All presale tickets will include you + 1 guest. All Presale tickets include Free General Admission entry anytime during the event. Children under 18 years old do NOT need a ticket.You may enter anytime after your entry time and may stay as long as you'd like. PRO TIP: If you have specific items or brands you are looking for - this is the time for YOU! Limited FREE presale for First Time and Expecting parents & Grandparents, Teachers (homeschools included), Daycare, Health Care, First Responders, and Military available.

General Admission

Admission is FREE online or $3 at door.
Children under 18 years old do NOT need a ticket.

Discount Days

Look for tags without a star! Saturday evening is the 50% off presale. Admission is $5 and you get to shop BEFORE the general public. We will open Saturday night and Sunday for our public shopping for the 50% off sale. Children under 18 years old do NOT need a ticket.

Bargains & Blessings

Stuff-a-Bag Fundraiser! Stuff an IKEA bag with items marked "DONATE" for $20 to benefit our local charity partner. *Everyone needs a ticket or guest pass, including sort crew team members.

Total: $0.00

You can sell too! Average seller makes $450+

You can learn more at


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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